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Google Consent Mode V2
The Google Consent Mode (Cookies Consent Mode) is a tool provided by Google to help website administrators comply with data protection regulations, such as the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Cal... (18/05/2024)
Why when you send an email it goes to spam?
There are many reasons why an email you send may end up in the recipient's spam folder (junks, spams) and remain unreadable. Something that can create various problems for the operation of your business, such as order delays, redu... (30/05/2018)
SSL Certificates
What is an SSL Certificate?Using an ssl certificate, information between the user and the buyer is transmitted encrypted so that no one can monitor or intercept it. Depending on how strong this security system is, the cost of an S... (30/05/2018)
Our Web Site is New!
Websites used to have a longer lifespan. Eventually it turned out with the passage of time and with the daily rapid development of technology, the upgrade of a website is now an urgent need. Is it time to take a closer look at you... (10/10/2017)